Times of Refreshing

                                   FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM

Every 2nd & 4th Wednesday and one Saturday a month, Mariposa Ministry will have its doors open to  families and caregivers in need of baby items or clothing.      

We supply a collection of newborn, infant, and toddler items, such as clothes, toys, and furniture, among other necessities. These items are limited and based on what has been donated by other parents throughout the weeks. All items are checked for safety and cleaned before handed out.

We will also have clothing for women, men and children, but cannot guarantee selection or variety. Seasonal clothing will be put out ONLY. Clothing is checked for stains or damage. You must provide own transportation of items   

  We are here to pray with you today and support you towards a hope filled future.

Mariposa Contact Information

Phone Number: (631) 462-5048

Email: MariposaDVC@gmail.com